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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 5 SWEET BY-AND-BYE. Can. Hym'l, No. 255.

Indian Methodist Hymn-book by Various

5 SWEET BY-AND-BYE. Can. Hym'l, No. 255.


Lay kwa tchee-tchilth ta ay-e tumokh,
Awkwus-tawlokwus ta Tcheetchilth-Seeam,
Theeilth-sitawlokwus kwa ay-e shwaw-met,
Almit-stawlokwus tokla sawlth Mal.
||: Tchalal may hayluk tasawlth skwilawal,
Olamit `kup lay ta tchee-tchilth tumokh.:||

Lay kwa tchee-tchilth ta ay-e staylim,
Tchalal kwus staylim skaka ta ay-e mes-tayokh,
Lamtcha hi owe-awts may kulth skwilawal,
Skwi kwuls kham lam al-tus ay-e lalam.



1 There's a land that is fairer than day,
And by faith we can see it afar,
For the Father waits over the way,
To prepare us a dwelling place there.
||: In the sweet by-and-bye,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore. :||

2 We shall meet, we shall sing, we shall reign
In the land where the saved never die;
We shall rest free from sorrow and pain,
Safe at home in the sweet by-and-bye.

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