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Indian Methodist Hymn-book by Various

2 WE'LL WORK TILL JESUS COMES. Gospel Hymns 1-6 Complete No. 180.


Lay ta ay-e tumokh al stlay-kwus ka-wom,
Temtam kwuls lam al tus;
Temtam kwus tlakit talswal see-ize
E ka-wom lay ta Ay-e.

Ay-e-kwus see-ize ka tatsel ta Jesus,
||:See-ize-tchit ka tatsel ta Jesus,:||
Lam ka-put alokh.

Lay-wilth kukh ta ay-e mestayokh lay,
Hayluk taswas skwilawal.
Kla al stlay-kwus lam kwatsit toklalim
Lay ta ay-e tumokh.

Owita ay-e e-tila tumokh,
Owe-awts telth-le-melth kham;
Owa-tcha staas lay ta ay-e tumokh,
Laysit ta sawlth See-am.



O land of rest, for thee I sigh,
When will the moment come,
When I shall lay my armor by,
And dwell in peace at home.

||: We'll work till Jesus comes, :||
And we'll be gathered home.

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