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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : Chapter IX.--The Mother Begs Baptism for Herself and Her Hostess.

The Clementine Homilies by Unknown

Chapter IX.--The Mother Begs Baptism for Herself and Her Hostess.

When Faustinus had said this, our mother fell down at Peter's feet, begging and entreating him to send for her and her hostess, and baptize them immediately, in order that, says she, not a single day may pass after the recovery of my children, without my taking food with them. When we united with our mother in making the same request, Peter said: |What can you imagine? Am I alone heartless, so as not to wish that you should take your meals with your mother, baptizing her this very day? But yet it is incumbent on her to fast one day before she be baptized. And it is only one day, because, in her simplicity, she said something in her own behalf, which I looked on as a sufficient indication of her faith; otherwise, her purification must have lasted many days.|
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