The Clementine Homilies by Unknown
Chapter I.--Journey to Laodicea.
Now at break of day Peter entered, and said: |Clement, and his mother Mattidia, and my wife, must take their seats immediately on the waggon.| And so they did straightway. And as we were hastening along the road to Balanæae, my mother asked me how my father was; and I said: |My father went in search of you, and of my twin brothers Faustinus and Faustinianus, and is now nowhere to be found. But I fancy he must have died long ago, either perishing by shipwreck, or losing his way, or wasted away by grief.| When she heard this, she burst into tears, and groaned through grief; but the joy which she felt at finding me, mitigated in some degree the painfulness of her recollections. And so we all went down together to Balanæae. And on the following day we went to Paltus, and from that to Gabala; and on the next day we reached Laodicea. And, lo! before the gates of the city Nicetas and Aquila met us, and embracing us, brought us to our lodging. Now Peter, seeing that the city was beautiful and great, said: |It is worth our while to stay here for some days; for, generally speaking, a populous place is most capable of yielding us those whom we seek.| Nicetas and Aquila asked me who that strange woman was; and I said: |My mother, whom God, through my lord Peter, has granted me to recognise.|