Introduction. Connection with Volume V. St. Leo's action, 1
Denial of the Primacy as acknowledged at Chalcedon
suicidal on the part of those who believe in the Church, 3
Subject of this volume as compared with the fifth, 5
The second wonder in human history, 6
The acknowledgment of the Primacy and the political powerlessness of the city of Rome coeval, 6
The three hundred years from Genseric to Astolphus, 9
St. Leo in Rome after Genseric, 10
Political condition of Rome. Avitus emperor, 455-6, 13
Majorian emperor, 457-461, 14
Death of Pope Leo; changes seen by him in his life, 15
Hilarus Pope and Libius Severus emperor, 461-465, 16
The over-lordship of Byzantium admitted in the choice of the Greek Anthemius as emperor, 467, 18
Sidonius Apollinaris an eye-witness of Rome's splendour, subjection to Byzantium, and unchanged habits in 467, 19
Anthemius murdered and Rome plundered by Ricimer, 472, 20
Olybrius emperor, 472; Ricimer and Olybrius die of the plague, 20
Glycerius emperor, 473; Nepos, 474; Romulus Augustulus, 475, 21
The senate declares to the eastern emperor that an emperor of the West is needless, 22
The twenty-one years' death-agony of imperial Rome, 23
State of the western provinces since the death of Theodosius I., 24
The first and the second victory of the Church, 25
The effect produced by the wandering of the nations, 26
The Visigoth and Ostrogoth migrations, 27
Gaul overrun by Teuton invaders, 28
Arianism propagated by the Goths among the other tribes, 29
Burgundian kingdom of Lyons. Spain overrun, 30
The Vandals in North Africa and their persecution of Catholics, 31
The Hunnish inroads, 33
All the western provinces under Teuton governments, 35
Odoacer and Theodorick, 36
Odoacer succeeded by Theodorick after the capture of Ravenna, 38
The character of Theodorick's reign, 39
His fairness towards the Roman Church and Pontiff, 40
The contrast between Theodorick and Clovis, 42
The dictum of Ataulph on the Roman empire, 43
Ataulph and Theodorick represent the better judgments of the invaders, 44
The outlook of Pope Simplicius at Rome over the western provinces, 45
And over the eastern empire, 46
Basiliscus and Zeno the first theologising emperors, 47
How the races descending on the empire had become Arian, 49
The point of time when the Church was in danger of losing all which she had gained, 50
How the division of the empire called out the Primacy, 51
How the extinction of the western empire does so yet more, 53
How the Pope was the sole fixed point in a transitional world, 54
Guizot's testimony, 55
What St. Jerome, St. Augustine, and St. Leo did not foresee, which we behold, 57
Great changes in the Roman State following the time of St. Leo, 59
Nature of the succession in the Caesarean throne, and then in the Byzantine, 61
Personal changes in the Popes and eastern emperors, 62
Gennadius succeeds Anatolius, and Acacius succeeds Gennadius in the see of Constantinople, 64
Acacius resists the Encyclikon of Basiliscus, 65
Letter of Pope Simplicius to the emperor Zeno, 66
Advancement of Acacius by Zeno, 69
Acacius induces Zeno to publish a formulary of doctrine, 70
John Talaia, elected patriarch of Alexandria, appeals for support to Pope Simplicius, 70
Pope Felix sends an embassy to the emperor, 71
His letter to Zeno, 72
His letter to Acacius, 73
His legates arrested, imprisoned, robbed, and seduced, 74
Pope Felix synodically deposes Acacius, 75
Enumerates his misdeeds in the sentence, 76
Synodal decrees in Italy signed by the Pope alone, 78
Letter of Pope Felix to Zeno setting forth the condemnation of Acacius, 79
The condition of the Pope when he thus wrote, 81
How Acacius received the Pope's condemnation, 83
The position which Acacius thereupon took up, 84
The greatness of the bishop of Constantinople identified with the greatness of his city, 84
The humiliations of Rome witnessed by Acacius, 86
How the Pope, under these humiliations, spoke to Acacius and to the emperor, 88
The Pope on the one side, Acacius on the other, represent an absolute contradiction, 89
Eudoxius and Valens matched by Acacius and Zeno, 92
Death of Acacius, and estimate of him by three contemporaries, 93
Fravita, succeeding Acacius, seeks the Pope's recognition, 93
Letters of the emperor and Fravita to the Pope, and his answers, 94
The position taken by Acacius not maintained by Zeno and Fravita, 96
Nor by Euphemius, who succeeds Fravita, 96
Euphemius suspects and resists the new emperor Anastasius, 97
Condition of the Empire and the Church at the accession of Pope Gelasius in 492, 98
The |libellus synodicus| on the emperor Anastasius, 100
With whom the four Popes -- Gelasius, Anastasius, Symmachus, and Hormisdas -- have to deal, 101
Euphemius, writing to the Pope, acknowledges him to be successor of St. Peter, 103
Gelasius replies to Euphemius, insisting on the repudiation of Acacius, 104
Absolute obedience of the Illyrian bishops professed to the Apostolic See, 105
Gelasius shows that the canons make the First See supreme judge of all, 106
Says that the bishop of Constantinople holds no rank among bishops, 107
Praises bishops who have resisted the wrongdoings of temporal rulers, 108
The Holy See, in virtue of its Principate, confirms every Council, 109
Gelasius in 494 defines to the emperor the domain of the Two Powers, 110
And the subordination of the temporal ruler in spiritual things, 111
The words of Gelasius have become the law of the Church, 113
The emperor Anastasius deposes Euphemius by the Resident Council, 114
Pope Gelasius, in a council of seventy bishops at Rome, sets forth the divine institution of the Primacy, 115
And the order of the three Patriarchal Sees, 115
And three General Councils -- the Nicene, Ephesine, and Chalcedonic, 115
Denies to the see of Constantinople any rank beyond that of an ordinary bishop, and omits the Council of 381, 116
Death of Pope Gelasius and character of his pontificate, 118
His own description of the time in which he lived, 118
Pope Anastasius: his letter to the emperor Anastasius, 120
He makes the Pope's position in the Church parallel with that of the emperor in the world, 121
He writes to Clovis on his conversion, 122
St. Gregory of Tours notes the prosperity of Catholic kingdoms and the decline of Arian in the West, 123
Letter of St. Avitus, bishop of Vienne, to Clovis on his baptism, 124
He recognises the vast importance of the professing the Catholic faith by Clovis, 125
And the duty of Clovis to propagate the faith in peoples around, 126
How the words of St. Avitus to Clovis were fulfilled in history, 127
The election of Pope Symmachus traversed by the emperor's agent, 128
His letter termed |Apologetica| to the eastern emperor, 129
The imperial and papal power compared, 131
The papal and the sovereign power the double permanent head of human society, 133
Emperors wont to acknowledge Popes on their accession, 134
Inferences to be deduced from this letter, 135
The answer of the emperor Anastasius is to stir up a fresh schism at Rome, 136
The Synodus Palmaris, without judging the Pope, declares him free from all charge, 137
Letter of the bishop of Vienne to the Roman senate upon this Council, 139
The cause of the Bishop of Rome is not that of one bishop, but of the Episcopate itself, 140
Words of Ennodius, bishop of Pavia, embodied in the act of the Roman Council of 503, 142
Result of the attack of the emperor on the Pope is the recording in black and white that the First See is judged by no man, 143
The eastern Church under the emperor Anastasius, 143
He deposes Macedonius as well as Euphemius, 144
Both these bishops of Byzantium failed to resist his despotism, 147
Eastern bishops address Pope Symmachus to succour them, 148
Pope Hormisdas succeeds Symmachus in 514, 149
His instruction to the legates sent to Constantinople, 150
The bishop of Constantinople presents all bishops to the emperor, 157
The conditions for reunion made by Pope Hormisdas, 158
The treacherous conduct of the emperor, 159
Hormisdas describes Greek diplomacy, 160
The Syrian Archimandrites supplicate the Pope for help, 161
Sudden death of the emperor Anastasius, 162
The emperor Justin's election and antecedents, 162
He notifies his accession to the Pope, 163
The Pope holds a council and sends an embassy to Constantinople, 164
The bishop, clergy, and emperor accept the terms of the Pope, 165
The formulary of union signed by them, 167
The report of the legates to the Pope, 169
The emperor Justin's letter to the Pope, 170
Character of the period 455-519, 171
Political state of the East and West most perilous to the Church, 172
The Popes under Odoacer and Theodorick, 173
How Acacius took advantage of the political situation, 174
The meaning and range of his attempt, 175
The Pope from 476 onwards rests solely upon his Apostolate, 176
The seven Popes who succeed St. Leo, 179
The seven bishops who succeed Anatolius at Constantinople, 180
The eastern emperors in this time, 182
The state of the eastern patriarchates, Alexandria and Antioch, 184
The waning of secular Rome reveals the power of the Pontificate, 185
The Popes alone preserved the East from the Eutychean heresy, 185
The position of St. Leo maintained by the seven following Popes, 186
The submission to Hormisdas an act of the |undivided| Church, 187
The adverse circumstances which developed the Pope's Principate, 188
Sequel in Justinian of the submission to Pope Hormisdas, 189
His acknowledgment of the Primacy to Pope John II. in 533, 190
Reply of Pope John II. confirming the confession sent to him by Justinian, 191
The Pandects of Justinian issued in the same year, 192
Close interweaving of ecclesiastical and temporal interests, 193
Interference with the freedom of the papal election by the temporal ruler, 194
Letter of Cassiodorus as Praetorian prefect to Pope John II., 195
Justinian all his reign acknowledged the Primacy of the Pope, 196
His character, purposes, and actions, 196
Succeeds his uncle the emperor Justin I., 198
Great political changes coeval with his succession, 199
He reconquers Northern Africa by Belisarius, 199
The Catholic bishops of Africa meet again in General Council, 200
They send an embassy to consult Pope John II., 201
Pope Agapetus notes their reference to the Apostolic Principate, 202
Great renown of Justinian at the reconquest of Africa, 203
Pope Agapetus at Constantinople deposes its bishop, 204
Justinian begins the Gothic War. Belisarius enters Rome, 205
He is welcomed as restorer of the empire, 206
The empress Theodora deposes Pope Silverius by Belisarius, 207
First siege of Rome by Vitiges, 210
The mausoleum of Hadrian stripped of its statues, 211
Vitiges, having lost half his army, raises the siege, 213
Belisarius, having reconquered Italy, is recalled for the war with Persia, 214
Totila, elected Gothic king, renews the war, 214
Visits St. Benedict at Monte Cassino, and is warned by him, 215
Second siege of Rome by Totila, 216
Rome taken by Totila in 546, 216
Third capture of Rome by Belisarius, in 547, 217
Fourth capture of Rome by Totila, in 549, 218
Totila defeated and killed by Narses at Taginas, 219
Fifth capture of Rome by Narses, in 552, 220
End of the Gothic war, in 555, 221
Its effect on the civil condition of the Pope, Italy, and Rome, 222
The sufferings of Rome from assailants and defenders, 223
The new test of papal authority applied by these events, 225
Vigilius, having become legitimate Pope, is sent for by Justinian, 226
Church proceedings at Constantinople after the death of Pope Agapetus, 227
The patriarch Mennas, in conjunction with the emperor, consecrates at Constantinople a patriarch of Alexandria, 228
The Origenistic struggle in the eastern empire, 229
Justinian theologising, 230
The whole East urged to consent to his edict on doctrine, 231
Pope Vigilius, summoned by Justinian, enters Constantinople, 232
After long conferences with emperor and bishops he issues a Judgment, 234
The Pope and emperor agree upon holding a General Council, 235
The emperor's despotism, and the bishops crouching before it, 236
The Pope takes sanctuary, and is torn away from the altar, 237
Flies to the church at Chalcedon, 238
The bishops relent, and the Pope returns to Constantinople, 239
Eutychius, succeeding Mennas, proposes a council under presidency of the Pope, 239
The emperor causes it to meet under Eutychius without the Pope, 240
Proceedings of the Council. The Pope declines their invitation, 241
Close of the Council, without the Pope's presence, 242
The Pope issues a Constitution apart from the Council, 242
Also a condemnation of the Three Chapters without mention of the Council, 243
The Pope on his way back to Rome dies at Syracuse, 244
The patriarch Eutychius, refusing to sign a doctrinal decree of Justinian, is deposed by the Resident Council, 244
Justinian issues his Pragmatic Sanction for government of Italy, 245
State of things following in Italy, 246
Justinian's conception of the relation between Church and State, 248
He gives to the decrees of Councils and to the canons the force of law, 250
Three leading principles in these enactments, 251
The State completely recognises the Church's whole constitution, 251
The episcopal idea thoroughly realised, 253
Concurrent action of the laws of Church and State herein, 254
Justinian further associated bishops with the civil government, 255
The part given to them in civil administration, 256
A system of mutual supervision in bishops and governors, 257
The branches of civil matters specially put under bishops, 259
The completeness and the cordiality of the alliance with the Church, 261
Which differentiates Justinian's attitude from that of modern governments, 262
In what Justinian was a true maintainer of the imperial idea, 264
The dark blot which lies upon Justinian, 267
How he passed from the line of defence to that of interference and mastery, 269
The result, spiritual and temporal, of Justinian's reign, 270
The state of Rome as a city after the prefecture of Narses, 272
Contrast of Nova Roma, 274
The Rome of the Church a new city, 275
St. Gregory's antecedents as prefect, monk, nuncio, and deacon of the Roman Church, 276
Elected Pope against his will. His description of his work, 278
And of the time's calamity, 279
The utter misery of Rome expressed in the words of Ezechiel, 281
Contrast between the language used of Rome by St. Leo and St. Gregory, 283
St. Gregory closes his preaching in St. Peter's, overcome with sorrow, 284
The works of St. Gregory out of this Rome, 285
The Lombard descent on Italy, 287
Rome ransomed from the Lombards, and Monte Cassino destroyed, 290
The Primacy untouched by the temporal calamities of Rome, 292
Its unique prerogative brought out by unequalled sufferings, 293
The new city of Rome lived only by the Primacy, 294
St. Gregory's account of the Primacy to the empress Constantina, 295
He identifies his own authority with that of St. Peter, 296
Writes to the emperor Mauritius that the union of the Two Powers would secure the empire against barbarians, 297
Claims to the emperor St. Peter's charge over the whole Church, 298
John the Foster's assumed title on injury to the whole Church, 299
What St. Gregory infers from the three patriarchal sees being all sees of Peter, 301
Contrast drawn by St. Gregory between the Pope's
Principate and John the Faster's assumed title, 302
The fatal falsehood which this title presupposed, 303
The opposing truth in the Principate made de Fide by the Vatican Council, 306
St. Leo against Anatolius, and St. Gregory against John the Faster, occupy like positions, 307
St. Gregory's title, |Servant of the servants of God,| expresses the maxim of his government, 308
The fourteen books of St. Gregory's letters range over every subject in the whole Church, 309
The special relation between the sees of St. Peter and St. Mark, 311
Asserts his supremacy to the Lombard queen Theodelinda, 311
St. Gregory appoints the bishop of Arles to be over the metropolitans of Gaul, 312
The venture of St. Gregory in attempting the conversion of England, 313
St. Augustine commended to queen Brunechild and consecrated by the bishop of Arles, and the English Church made by Gregory, 315
Work of St. Gregory in the Spanish Church, 316
He relates the martyrdom of St. Hermenegild, 316
His letters to St. Leander of Seville, 317
Conversion of king Rechared, 318
St. Gregory's letter of congratulation to him, 318
Letter of king Rechared informing the Pope of his conversion, 321
Gibbon's account of the government which was the result of Rechared's conversion, 322
The important principles thus consecrated by the Church, 324
Overthrow of the Arian kingdoms in Africa, Spain, Gaul and Italy, between Pope Felix III. and Pope Gregory I., 325
The equal failure of Genseric, Euric, Gondebald, and Theodorick, 327
The part in this which the Catholic bishops had, 329
The Spanish monarchy first of many formed by the Church, 331
Superiority of this government to the Byzantine absolutism, 332
St. Gregory as fourth doctor of the western Church, 334
St. Gregory as a chief artificer in the Church's second victory, 335
Summary of St. Gregory's action as metropolitan patriarch and Pope, 337
Councils held by him in Rome: protection of monks, 338
His management of the Patrimonium Petri, 340
His success with schismatics and heretics, 341
The Primacy from St. Leo to St. Gregory, 342
The continued rise of the bishop of Constantinople, 343-5
The political degradation and danger of Rome, 345
Long disaster reveals still more the purely spiritual foundation of the Primacy, 346
Testimony given by the disappearance of the Arian governments and the conversion of Franks and Saxons, 347
The patriarchate of Constantinople imposed by civil law, 348
The Nicene constitution in the East impaired by despotism and heresy, 349
The persistent defence of this constitution by the Popes, 350
The Petra Apostolica in the sixty Popes preceding Gregory, 352
As discerned by Hurter in the time of Pope Innocent III., 353
As in the time from Pope Innocent III. to Leo XIII., 355
The continuous Primacy from St. Peter to St. Gregory, 355
As Rome diminishes the Primacy advances, 356
The times in which it was exercised by St. Gregory, 358
The opposing forces which unite to sustain the Petra Apostolica, 359
INDEX, 361