|That God would fulfil in you all the good pleasure of His goodness, and the work of faith with power| (II. Thess. i.11).
Our God is looking to-day for pattern men, and when He gets a true sample, it is very easy to reproduce it in a thousand editions, and multiply it in other lives without limitation.
All the experiences of life come to us as tests, and as we meet them, our loving Father is watching with intense and jealous love, to see us overcome, and if we fail He is deeply disappointed, and our adversary is filled with joy.
We are a gazing-stock continually for angels and principalities, and every step we take is critical and decisive for something in our eternal future.
When Abraham went forth that morning to Mount Moriah, it was an hour of solemn probation, and when he came back he was one of God's tested men, with the stamp of His eternal approbation. God could say, |I know him, that he will do judgment and justice, that the Lord may bring upon Abraham all that He hath spoken.|
God is looking for such men to-day. Lord, help me to be such an one.