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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : DECEMBER 18. |The faith of the Son of God| (Gal. ii. 20).

Days Of Heaven Upon Earth by Rev. A. B. Simpson

DECEMBER 18. |The faith of the Son of God| (Gal. ii. 20).

|The faith of the Son of God| (Gal. ii.20).

Faith is hindered most of all by what we call |our faith,| and fruitless struggles to work out a faith which is but a make-believe and a desperate trying to trust God, which must ever come short of His vast and glorious promises. The truth is that the only faith that is equal to the stupendous promises of God and the measureless needs of our life, is |the faith of God| Himself, the very trust which He will breathe into the heart which intelligently expects Him as its power to believe, as well as its power to love, obey, or perform any other exercise of the new life.

Blessed be His name! He has not given us a chain which reaches within a single link of our poor helpless heart, but that one last link is fatal to all the chain. Nay, the last link, the one that fastens on the human side is as Divine as the link that binds the chain of promise in the heavens. |Have the faith of God,| is His great command. |I live by the faith of the Son of God| is the victorious testimony of one who had proved it true.

Lord, teach me to have the faith of the Son of God.

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