|He that abideth in Me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for apart from Me ye can do nothing| (John xv.5).
So familiar are the vine and the branches, it is not necessary to explain; only the branches and the vine are one. The vine does not say, I am the central trunk running up and you are the little branches; but I am the whole thing, and you are the whole thing. He counts us partakers of His nature. |Apart from Me ye can do nothing.| The husband and the wife, and many more figures contribute to this marvelous Christ teaching, which has no parallel, no precedent in any other teaching under the sun; that Christ is the life of His people, and that we are absolutely linked with and dependent upon Him. All other systems teach how much man is and may become. Christianity shows how a man must lose all he is if he would come into full unity with Christ in His life.
Lord, help me this day to abide in Thee.
Oh! what a wonderful place
Jesus has given to me!
Saved by His glorious grace,
I may be even as He.