|According to the measure of the rule which God hath distributed| (II. Cor. x.13).
According to thy faith be it unto thee was Christ's great law of healing and blessing in His earthly ministry. This was what He meant when He said, |With what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again.| These mighty measures are limited by the the measures that we bring. God deals out His heavenly treasures to us in these glorious vessels, but each of us must bring our drinking cup, and according to its measure we shall be filled.
But even the measure of our faith may be a Divine one. Thank God, the little cup has become enlarged through the grace of Jesus, until from its bottom there flows a pipe into the great ocean, and if that connection is kept open we shall find that our cup is as large as the ocean and never can be drained to the bottom. For He has said to us, |Have the faith of God,| and surely this is an illimitable measure.
Let us claim the mighty promise,
Let us light the torches dim;
Let us join the glorious chorus,
Nothing is too hard for Him.