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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : DECEMBER 7. |Abide with us; for it is toward evening| (Luke xxiv. 29).

Days Of Heaven Upon Earth by Rev. A. B. Simpson

DECEMBER 7. |Abide with us; for it is toward evening| (Luke xxiv. 29).

|Abide with us; for it is toward evening| (Luke xxiv.29).

In His last messages to the disciples in the 14th and 15th chapters of John, the Lord Jesus clearly teaches us that the very essence of the highest holiness is, |Abide in Me, and I in you, for without Me ye can do nothing.|

The very purpose of the Holy Ghost whom He promised was to reveal Him, that at |that day, ye shall know that I am in the Father, and ye in Me, and I in you,| and the closing echo of His intercessory prayer was embraced in these three small but infinite words, |I in them.|

Is it for me to be cleansed by His power
From the pollution of sin?
Is it for me to be kept every hour
By His abiding within?

Is it for me to be perfectly whole
Thro' His anointing divine;
Claiming in body, and spirit, and soul,
All of His fulness as mine?

Wonderful promise so full and so free,
Wonderful Saviour, Oh, how can it be,
Cleansing and pardon and mercy for me?
Yes, it's for me, for me.

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