|I can do all things through Christ| (Phil. iv.13).
A dear sister said one day: |I have so much work to do that I have not time to get strength to do it by waiting on the Lord.| Surely that was making bricks without straw, and even if it was the name of the Lord and the church, it was the devil's bondage. God sends not His servants on their own charges; but |He is able to make all grace abound towards us, that we, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound unto every good work.| The old story of the chieftain, fleeing from his foes and almost overtaken, but stopping in the midst of his flight to get a shoe upon his horse that he might fly more successfully is a true type and lesson for Christian workers.
The old Latin motto festina lente, |make haste slowly,| has a great lesson for us. The more work we have to do, the more frequently we have to drop our head upon our desk and wait a little for heavenly aid and love, and then press on with new strength. One hour baptized in the love of the Holy Ghost is worth ten battling against wind and tide without the heavenly life.