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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : OCTOBER 26. |Go out into the highways and compel them to come in| (Luke xiv. 23).

Days Of Heaven Upon Earth by Rev. A. B. Simpson

OCTOBER 26. |Go out into the highways and compel them to come in| (Luke xiv. 23).

|Go out into the highways and compel them to come in| (Luke xiv.23).

In the great parable in the fourteenth chapter of Luke, giving an account of the great supper an ancient lord prepared for his friends and neighbors, and to which, when they asked to be excused, he invited the halt and the lame from the city slums and the lepers from outside the gate, there is a significant picture and object lesson of the program of Christianity in this age.

In the first place, it is obvious to every thoughtful mind that the Master is beginning to excuse the Gospel-hardened people of Christian countries. It is getting constantly more difficult to interest the unsaved of our own land, especially those that have been accustomed to hear the Gospel and the things of Christ. They have asked to be excused from the Gospel feast, and the Lord is excusing them.

At the same time, two remarkable movements indicated in the parable are becoming more and more manifest in our time. One is the Gospel for the slums and the neglected classes at home; the other is the Gospel for the heathen or the neglected classes abroad.

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