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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : OCTOBER 24. |First gave their ownselves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God| (II. Cor. viii. 5).

Days Of Heaven Upon Earth by Rev. A. B. Simpson

OCTOBER 24. |First gave their ownselves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God| (II. Cor. viii. 5).

|First gave their ownselves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God| (II. Cor. viii.5).

It is essential, in order to be successful in Christian work, that you shall be loyal not only to God, but to the work with which you are associated. The more deeply one knows the Lord the easier it is to get along with Him.

Superficial Christians are apt to be crotchetty. Mature Christians are so near the Lord that they are not afraid of missing His guidance, and not always trying to assert their loyalty to Him and independence of others.

The Corinthians, who had given themselves first to the Lord, had no difficulty in giving themselves to His Apostle by the will of God. It is delightful to work with true hearts on whom we can utterly depend.

God give us the spirit of a sound mind and the heart to |help along.|

You can help by holy prayer,
Helpful love and joyful song;
O, the burdens you may bear;
O, the sorrows you may share;
O, the crowns you may yet may wear,
If you help along.

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