|Denying ungodliness| (Titus ii.12).
Let us say, |No,| to the flesh, the world and the love of self, and learn that holy self-denial in which consists so much of the life of obedience. Make no provision for the flesh; give no recognition to your lower life. Say |No| to everything earthly and selfish. How very much of the life of faith consists in simply denying ourselves.
We begin with one great |Yes,| to God, and then we conclude with an eternal |No,| to ourselves, the world, the flesh and the devil.
If you look at the ten commandments of the Decalogue, you will find that nearly every one of them is a |Thou shalt not.| If you read the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians, with its beautiful picture of love, you will find that most of the characteristics of love are in the negative, what love |does not, thinks not, says not, is not.| And so you will find that the largest part of the life of consecration is really saying, |No.|
I am not my own,
I belong to Him.
I am His alone,
I belong to Him.