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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : OCTOBER 15. |Faith is the evidence of things not seen| (Heb. xi. 1).

Days Of Heaven Upon Earth by Rev. A. B. Simpson

OCTOBER 15. |Faith is the evidence of things not seen| (Heb. xi. 1).

|Faith is the evidence of things not seen| (Heb. xi.1).

True faith drops its letter in the post-office box, and lets it go. Distrust holds on to a corner of it, and wonders that the answer never comes.

I have some letters in my desk that have been written for weeks, but there was some slight uncertainty about the address or the contents, so they are yet unmailed. They have not done either me or anybody else any good yet. They will never accomplish anything until I let them go out of my hands and trust them to the postman and the mail.

This is the case with true faith. It hands its case over to God, and then He works.

That is a fine verse in the thirty-seventh Psalm: |Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him, and He worketh.| But He never worketh until we commit.

Faith is a receiving, or still better, a taking of God's proffered gifts. We may believe, and come, and commit, and rest, but we will not fully realize all our blessing until we begin to receive and come into the attitude of abiding and taking.

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