|Leaning upon her beloved| (Songs of Solomon viii.5).
Shall you make the claim most practical and real and lean like John your full weight on the Lord's breast? That is the way He would have us prove our love. |If you love me lean hard,| said a heathen woman to her missionary, as she was timidly leaning her tired body upon her stalwart breast. She felt slighted by the timorous reserve, and asked the confidence that would lay all its weight upon the one she trusted. And He says to us, |Casting all your care upon Him for He careth for you.| He would have us prove our love by a perfect trust that makes no reserve. He is able to carry all our care, to manage all our interests, to satisfy all our needs. Let us go forth leaning on His breast and feeding on His life. For John not only leaned but also fed. It was at supper that he leaned. This is the secret of feeding on Him, to rest upon His bosom. This is the need of the fevered heart of man. Let us cry to Him, |Tell me whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest, where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon.|