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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : JUNE 16. |Ye cannot serve God and Mammon| (Matt. vi. 24).

Days Of Heaven Upon Earth by Rev. A. B. Simpson

JUNE 16. |Ye cannot serve God and Mammon| (Matt. vi. 24).

|Ye cannot serve God and Mammon| (Matt. vi.24).

He does not say ye cannot very well serve God and mammon, but ye cannot serve two masters at all. Ye shall be sure to end by serving one. The man who thinks he is serving God a little is deceived; he is not serving God. God will not have his service. The devil will monopolize him before he gets through. A divided heart loses both worlds. Saul tried it. Balaam tried it. Judas tried it, and they all made a desperate failure. Mary had but one choice. Paul said: |This one thing I do.| |For me to live is Christ.| Of such a life God says: |Because he hath set his love upon Me therefore will I deliver him. I will set him on high because he hath known My name.| God takes a peculiar pride in showing His love to the heart that wholly chooses Him. Heaven and earth will fade away before its trust can be disappointed. Have we chosen Him only and given Him all our heart?

Say is it all for Jesus,
As you so often sing?
Is He your Royal Master?
Is He your heart's dear King?

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