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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : JUNE 14. |The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him| (Ps. xxv. 14).

Days Of Heaven Upon Earth by Rev. A. B. Simpson

JUNE 14. |The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him| (Ps. xxv. 14).

|The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him| (Ps. xxv.14).

There are secrets of Providence which God's dear children may learn. His dealing with them often seems, to the outward eye, dark and terrible. Faith looks deeper and says, |This is God's secret. You look only on the outside; I can look deeper and see the hidden meaning.| Sometimes diamonds are done up in rough packages, so that their value cannot be seen. When the tabernacle was built in the wilderness there was nothing rich in its outside appearance. The costly things were all within, and its outward covering of rough badger skin gave no hint of the valuable things which it contained. God may send you, dear friends, some costly packages. Do not worry if they are done up in rough wrappings. You may be sure there are treasures of love, and kindness and wisdom hidden within. Do not be so foolish as to throw away a nugget of gold because there is some quartz in it. If we take what He sends, and trust Him for the goodness in it, even in the dark, we shall learn the meaning of the secrets of His providence.

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