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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : MAY 6. |Reckon ye also yourselves to be alive unto God| (Rom. vi. 11).

Days Of Heaven Upon Earth by Rev. A. B. Simpson

MAY 6. |Reckon ye also yourselves to be alive unto God| (Rom. vi. 11).

|Reckon ye also yourselves to be alive unto God| (Rom. vi.11).

Death is but for a moment. Life is forevermore. Live, then, ye children of the resurrection, on His glorious life, more and more abundantly, and the fulness of your life will repel the intrusion of self and sin, and overcome evil with good, and your existence will be, not the dreary repression of your own struggling, but the springing tide of Christ's spontaneous overcoming life.

Once in a religious meeting a dear brother gave us a most exhilarating talk on the risen life. Then another brother got up and talked for a long time on the necessity of self-crucifixion. A cold sweat fell over us all, and we could scarcely understand why. But after he had got through, a good sister clarified the whole situation by saying, that |Pastor S. had taken us all out of the grave by his address, and then Pastor P. has put us back again.|

Don't go back into the grave again after you have got out, but live like Him, who |liveth and was dead, and lo! He is alive forevermore, and has the keys of hell and of death.| Keep out of the tomb, and keep the door locked, and the keys in His risen hands.

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