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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : APRIL 28. |For it is God which worketh in you| (Phil. ii. 13).

Days Of Heaven Upon Earth by Rev. A. B. Simpson

APRIL 28. |For it is God which worketh in you| (Phil. ii. 13).

|For it is God which worketh in you| (Phil. ii.13).

Sanctification is the gift of the Holy Ghost, the fruit of the Spirit, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the prepared inheritance of all who enter in, the greatest obtainment of faith, not the attainment of works. It is divine holiness, not human self-improvement, nor perfection. It is the inflow into man's being of the life and purity of the infinite, eternal and Holy One, bringing His own perfection and working out His own will. How easy, how spontaneous, how delightful this heavenly way of holiness! Surely it is a |highway| and not the low way of man's vain and fruitless mortification.

It is God's great elevated railway, sweeping over the heads of the struggling throngs who toil along the lower pavement when they might be borne along on His ascension pathway, by His own almighty impulse. It is God's great elevator carrying us up to the higher chambers of His palace, without over-laborious efforts, while others struggle up the winding stairs and faint by the way.

Let us to-day so fully take Him that He can |cause us to walk in His statutes.|

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