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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : MARCH 2. |That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost| (II. Tim. i. 14).

Days Of Heaven Upon Earth by Rev. A. B. Simpson

MARCH 2. |That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost| (II. Tim. i. 14).

|That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost| (II. Tim. i.14).

God gives to us a power within which will hold our hearts in victory and purity. |That good thing which was committed unto thee, keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us.| It is the Holy Ghost; and when any thought or suggestion of evil arises in our breast, the quick conscience can instantly call upon the Holy Ghost to drive it out, and He will expel it at the command of faith or prayer, and keep us as pure as we are willing to be kept. But when the will surrenders and consents to evil, the Holy Ghost will not expel it. God, then, requires us to stand in holy vigilance, and He will do exceeding abundantly for us as we hold fast that which is good, and He will also be in us a spirit of vigilance, showing us the evil and enabling us to detect it, and to bring it to Him for expulsion and destruction.

|O Spirit of Jesus fill us until we shall have room only for Thee!|

O, come as the heart-searching fire,
O, come as the sin-cleansing flood;
Consume us with holy desire,
And fill with the fulness of God.

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