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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : JANUARY 24. |Freely ye have received, freely give| (Matt. x. 8).

Days Of Heaven Upon Earth by Rev. A. B. Simpson

JANUARY 24. |Freely ye have received, freely give| (Matt. x. 8).

|Freely ye have received, freely give| (Matt. x.8).

When God does anything marked and special for our souls, or bodies, He intends it as a sacred trust for us to communicate to others. |Freely ye have received, freely give.|

It has pleased the Master in these closing days of the dispensation to reveal Himself in peculiar blessing to the hearts of His chosen disciples in all parts of the Christian Church; but this is intended to be communicated to a still wider circle, and every one of us who has been brought into these intimate relations with God, becomes a trustee, or witness for these higher truths to every one we can influence.

If God has revealed Himself to us as our Sanctifier, it is that we may help others to know Him as a Sanctifier.

If He has become our Healer, it is because there are sick and suffering lives to whom we can bring some blessing.

In like manner, if the hope of the Lord's coming has become precious to us, it would be worse than ingratitude for us to hide our testimony to this truth, and hold it only for our own personal comfort.

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