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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : JANUARY 12. |Ask and it shall be given you| (Matt. vii. 7).

Days Of Heaven Upon Earth by Rev. A. B. Simpson

JANUARY 12. |Ask and it shall be given you| (Matt. vii. 7).

|Ask and it shall be given you| (Matt. vii.7).

We must receive, as well as ask. We must take the place of believing, and recognize ourselves as in it. A friend was saying, |I want to get into the will of God,| and this was the answer: |Will you step into the will of God? And now, are you in the will of God?| The question aroused a thought that had not come before.

The gentleman saw that he had been straining after, but not receiving the blessing he sought.

Jesus has said, |Ask and ye shall receive.| The very strain keeps back the blessing. The intense tension of all your spiritual nature so binds you that you are not open to the blessing which God is waiting to give you. |Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.|

He tells me there is cleansing
From every secret sin,
And a great and full salvation
To keep the heart within.
And I take Him in His fulness,
With all His glorious grace,
For He says it is mine by taking,
And I take just what He says.

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