Christianity -- stately queen,
Virgin -- loveliest ever seen,
Fairest art thou upon the earth,
And of a higher, nobler birth.
When king Agrippa heard thy name,
And how abroad was spread thy fame,
And saw thee lovely as thou art,
Thou almost won his heathen heart.
When in the midnight's gloomy hour,
The Romish jailer saw thy power,
When thund'ring tones his ear did greet,
He trembling worshiped at thy feet.
When kneeling down beside the dead,
In sacred, solemn tones, thou said,
|Dorcas, in Jesus' name arise,|
And opened were the woman's eyes.
When man our days in death had lain,
Thou gavest him back his life again.
When woman did her sin deplore,
Thou whispered, |Go, and sin no more.|
When wicked Simon saw thy power
He strove to win thee with a dower;
Within his sinful heart he thought
Thy power with money could be bought;
Thou spurned his offer and made bold,
To bid him perish with his gold.
They lied to thee and lost their life,
Both Ananias and his wife.
Such was thy power in days of yore,
And such 'twill be forevermore.