The proper manner of reading in this degree is, as soon as we feel attracted to meditation, to cease reading, and remain at rest.
The soul is no sooner called to inward silence, than it should cease to utter vocal prayers; saying but little at any time, and when it does say them, if it finds any difficulty, or feels itself drawn to silence, it should remain silent, and make no effort to pray, leaving itself to the guidance of the Spirit of God.
The soul will find that it cannot, as formerly, present definite requests to God. This need not surprise it, for it is now that |the Spirit maketh intercession for the saints, according to the will of God. The Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought; but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us, with groanings which cannot be uttered| (Rom. viii.26, 27).
We must second the designs of God, which are to strip the soul of its own works, to substitute His in their place.
Let Him work then, and bind yourself to nothing of your own. However good it may appear to you, it cannot be so if it comes in the way of God's will for you. The will of God is preferable to all other good. Seek not your own interests, but live by abandonment and by faith.
It is here that faith begins to operate wonderfully in the soul.