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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : NOVEMBER The Twenty-fifth AFTER THE PRAYER THE FIRE!

My Daily Meditation For The Circling Year by John Henry Jowett


|When Solomon had made an end of praying the fire
came down from heaven.|
-- 2 CHRONICLES vii.1-11.

And the fire is the symbol of the Holy God. Pure flame is our imperfect mode of expressing the Incorruptible. This burning flame is heat and light in one. And when Solomon had prayed, the holy Flame was in their midst.

But not only is the flame the symbol of the Holy; it also typifies the power which can make me holy. We have no cleansing minister to compare with fire. Where water fails fire succeeds. After an epidemic water is comparatively impotent. We commit the infested garments to the flames. It was the great fire of London which delivered London from the tyranny of the plague. And so it is with my soul. God, who is holy flame, will burn out the germs of my sin. He will |purify Jerusalem with the spirit of burning.| |Our God is a consuming fire.|

Come to my soul, O holy Flame! Place Thy |burning bliss| against my wickedness, and consume it utterly away!

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