2 CORINTHIANS iii.4-18.
In the Holy Spirit I experience a large emancipation. |Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.| I am delivered from all enslaving bondage -- from the bondage of literalism, and legalism, and ritualism. I am not hampered by excessive harness, by multitudinous rules. The harness is fitting and congenial, and I have freedom of movement, and |my yoke is easy and my burden is light.|
And I am to use my emancipation of spirit in the ministry of contemplation. I am to |behold, as in a glass, the glory of the Lord.| My thought has been set free from the cramping distractions devised by men, and I am now to feast my gaze upon the holy splendours of my Lord. It is like coming out of a little and belittling tent, to feast upon the sunny amplitude of the open sky! I can |cease from man,| and commune with God.
And the contemplation will effect a transformation. |We are changed into the same image from glory to glory.| The serene brightness of the sky gets into our faces. The Lord becomes |the health of our countenance,| and we shine with borrowed glory.