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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : OCTOBER The Seventh NEEDING AND WANTING

My Daily Meditation For The Circling Year by John Henry Jowett


ACTS xvii.22-31.

|As though He needed anything.| |He may not need us; but does He want us?| Such is the question I heard Dr. Parker ask as he preached upon these words. And he took up a handful of flowers which he had upon the pulpit, and said: |These flowers were gathered for me by little hands in a Devonshire lane. Did I need them? No. Did I want them?... Your little girl kissed you before you left for business this morning. Did you need it?... Did you want it?|

And so Almightiness may not need our weakness, but the loving Father wants His children. |We are His offspring.| Our Father delights in the love of His children. The Saviour said to a Samaritan woman, |Give Me to drink.| And perhaps it is within the scope of our holy privilege to refresh the heart of our Lord. Perhaps we can give Him to drink of the well of our affections, and He will see of |the travail of His soul and be satisfied.|

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