Thinkest thou, that judgest them that do such things, that thou shalt escape?|
-- ROMANS ii.1-11.
That is always my peril, to assume that by being severe with others I exculpate myself. I go on to the bench, and deliver sentence upon my brother, when my proper place is in the dock. And this is the subtlety of the snare, that I regard my criticisms and condemnations of other people as signs of my own innocence. This is the last refinement in temptation, and multitudes fall before its power.
The way to moral and spiritual health is to direct my criticisms upon myself. I must stand in the dock, and hear the grave indictment of my own soul. Unless I pass through the second chapter of Romans I can never enter the fifth and sixth, and still less the glorious forgiveness of the eighth. |There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.| I pass into that warm, cheery light through the cold road of acknowledged guilt and sin.
|If we confess our sins He is just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.|