JOHN ii.1-11.
Our Lord always demands our best. He will not work with our second-best. His gracious |extra| is given when our own resources are exhausted. We must do our best before our Master will do His miracle. We must |fill the water-pots with water|! We must bring |the five loaves and two fishes|! We must |let down the net|! We must be willing |to be made whole,| and we must make the effort to rise! Yes, the Lord will have my best.
Our Lord transforms our best into His better. He changes water into wine. He turns the handful of seed into a harvest. Our aspirations become inspirations. Our willings become magnetic with the mystic power of grace. Our bread becomes sacramental, and He Himself is revealed to us at the feast. Our ordinary converse becomes a Divine fellowship, and |our hearts burn within us| as He talks to us by the way.
And our Lord ever keeps His best wine until the last. |Greater things than these shall ye do!| |I will see you again,| and there shall be grander transformations still! |The best is yet to be.| |Dreams cannot picture a world so fair.| |Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.|