SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : AUGUST The Eighth THE SCARLET SIN

My Daily Meditation For The Circling Year by John Henry Jowett


ISAIAH i.10-20.

How can we deal with glaring sin, with sin that is |scarlet,| that is |red like crimson|? And when the red stain has soaked into the very texture of the character, and every fibre is stupefied, what can we do then? Let me listen.

|Wash you.| But ordinary washings will not suffice. The ministry of education will fail. Art, and literature, and music will leave the internal stain undisturbed. They may impart a polish, but the polish shall be like the gloss on badly-washed linen. And the ministry of work will fail. Work never yet made a foul soul clean. There is |a fountain opened for all uncleanness.| I must wash |in the blood of the Lamb.| That red sacrifice can wash out the deep red stain.

|Cease to do evil.| Yes, I must turn my back on the roads of defilement. There must be a sharp decision, and an immediate reversal of my ways. |Halt!| |Right about turn!| |Quick march!|

|Learn to do well!| Yes, let me diligently learn, like a child at school, until the deliberative becomes the instructive, and |practice makes perfect.|

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