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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : AUGUST The Sixth WATERS OF CONTENTMENT

My Daily Meditation For The Circling Year by John Henry Jowett


ISAIAH iv.1-7.

The refreshing waters are offered to |everyone| that is thirsty. The evangel is like some clear bugle peal, sounded on some commanding upland, and which is heard alike in palace and cottage, in school and at the mill, by the child of plenty and by the child of want. |Ho, everyone!| The appeal is to the common heart, whether the setting be squalor or splendour, whether the soul faints in the glare of the prosperous noon, or under the chill of the burdensome night. |Ho, everyone that thirsteth!|

And the waters may be ours |without money and without price.| We have not to earn them by the sweat of body, mind, or soul. We have not to make a toilsome pilgrimage, on bleeding feet, to some distant Lourdes, where the sacred healer abides. No, we are asked to pay nothing, and for the simple reason that we |have nothing wherewith to pay.| The reviving grace is given to us |freely,| and all that we have to present is our thirst.

And yet we spend and spend, we labour and labour, but we buy no bread of contentment, and the waters of satisfaction are far away. The satisfying bread cannot be bought; it can only be begged. The water of life cannot be taken from a cistern; it must be drunk at the spring.

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