I have meat to eat that ye know not of.|
-- JOHN iv.31-42.
And what sort of meat is this? The Lord found secret refreshment in feeding other people. In vitalizing the woman of Samaria He restored His own soul. The disciples were amazed when they returned to find that the weariness had gone out of His face, and that He looked like one who had been at a feast!
And that is the law of life. |My meat is to do the will.| There is a secret nutriment in the bread we give away. The Lord gives us to eat of the |hidden manna| whenever we are seeking the refreshment of our fellows. Distributed bread has a sacramental efficacy for our own souls. The man who feeds the hungry shall himself be |satisfied as with marrow.|
And these ways of service are open on every side. There are millions of weary people waiting, like the woman at the well. |Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields: for they are white already to harvest!| Be it mine to be a minister in the mighty service, and in the ways of obedience let me find delights and delicacies for my own soul.
|Bread of Heaven,
Feed me till I want no more!|