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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : JULY The Eighteenth THE MESMERISM OF THE WORLD

My Daily Meditation For The Circling Year by John Henry Jowett


MATTHEW xix.23-30.

Material possessions multiply our spiritual difficulties. It is hard for a rich man |to enter into the kingdom of heaven.| For what is the kingdom? It is |righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.| It is easy for a rich man to appear respectable, but how hard is it to be holy! He may surround himself with comforts, but how hard to get into peace! He may move in the cold gleam of a glittering happiness, but how hard to get into the rich, warm quietness of an abiding joy! Yes, our material possessions so easily range themselves as ramparts between us and our destined spiritual wealth.

And if we find that any material thing so mesmerizes us that we are held in fatal bondage, we are to sacrifice it. |If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee!| Whatever interposes itself between us and our Lord must go! It is a hard way, but it leads to a sound and boisterous health. We verily |receive an hundredfold!| We lose |a thing,| and gain a grace. We lose fickle sensations and gain abounding inspiration. We lose the world, and gain the Lord!

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