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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : MAY The Twenty-seventh RECEIVING THE HOLY GHOST

My Daily Meditation For The Circling Year by John Henry Jowett


ACTS ii.37-47.

The sacred process by which the Holy Spirit is received is the same throughout all the years.

First there is repentance. And repentance is not a flow of emotion, but a certain direction of mind. I may repent with dry eyes. It is not a matter of feeling, but of willing. It is to lay hold of the aimless, drifting thought, and steer it toward God! It is a change of mind.

Second, there is a definite and avowed choice of my new Goal, my new Lord and King. The Christian life cannot be a subterfuge. It cannot be lived incognito. I cannot be the Christ's and wear the livery of an alien power. There must be confession, a bold and clarion-like avowal that henceforth I am a soldier of the Lord.

And the spiritual experiences will be sure, as sure as the law-governed processes of the material world. There will be |remission of sins.| The old guilt will fall away from my soul as the chains fell from Peter's limbs when the angel touched them. And there will be |the gift of the Holy Ghost.| A new dynamic is mine! I enter into fellowship with the power of the ascended Lord.

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