JOEL ii.21-32.
And this old-world promise is good for me to-day. It is like some weather-stained well, whose waters have continued flowing throughout the generations, right down to my own time. Let me drink!
Holy inspiration will give me insight into the mind of my God. |Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.| The breath of God creates an atmosphere in which spiritual realities are clearly seen. It is like the Sabbath air in some busy city, when the fumes and smoke of commerce have been blown away. |Thou shalt behold the land that is very far off.|
And so in my younger days holy inspiration will give me visions. |Your young men shall see visions.| I shall be an idealist, and I shall see things as they exist in God's idea, even though at present they be maimed and imperfect. I shall see them |according to the pattern on the Mount.|
And in my later days holy inspiration will give me dreams. |Your old men shall dream dreams.| And what shall they dream about? Not like the Chinese, of a golden age in a distant past, but of a golden age to be. Their dreams shall have a |forward-looking eye.| They shall see |the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God.|