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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : APRIL The Twenty-eighth PREPARING FOR GREAT ENCOUNTERS

My Daily Meditation For The Circling Year by John Henry Jowett


1 SAMUEL xvii.28-37.

This young champion of the Lord had won many victories before he faced Goliath. Everything depends on how I approach my supreme conflicts. If I have been careless in smaller combats I shall fail in the larger. If I come, wearing the garlands of triumph won in the shade, the shout of victory is already in the air! Let me look at David's trophies before he removed Goliath's head.

He had conquered his temper. Read Eliab's irritating taunt in the twenty-eighth verse, and mark the fine self-possession of the young champion's reply! That conquest of temper helped him when he took aim at Goliath! There is nothing like passion for disturbing the accuracy of the eye and the steadiness of the hand.

He had conquered fear. |Let no man's heart fail because of him.| There was no panic, there was no feverish and wasteful excitement. There was no shouting |to keep the spirits up!| He was perfectly calm.

And he had conquered unbelief. He had a rich history of the providential dealings of God with him, and his confidence was now unclouded and serene. He had known the Lord's power when he faced the bear and the lion. Now for Goliath!

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