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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : MARCH The Fourth THE GREAT COMPANION

My Daily Meditation For The Circling Year by John Henry Jowett


JOHN xiv.15-31.

And so even the road is to have the home-feeling in it. |I will not leave you orphans.| Yes; there is to be something of home even in the way to it. I find something of Devonshire even in Dorsetshire; Shropshire gives me a taste of Wales. My Lord will not leave me comfortless. Heaven runs over, and I find its bounty before I arrive at its gate. The |Valley of Baca| becomes |a well.|

And there are to be wonderful visions to speed the pilgrim's feet. |I will manifest Myself unto him.| At unexpected corners the glory will break! We shall be assuming that we have picked up a common traveller, and suddenly we shall discover it is the Lord, for He will be made known to us |in the breaking of bread.| And at many |risings| of the road, where the climbing is stiff and burdensome, we shall be inspired with many a glorious view, and we shall see |the land that is very far off.|

The one condition is, that I keep His word. If I am obedient, He will appear unto me, and the humdrum road will shine with miracles of grace.

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