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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 1003. -- Active Benevolence.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

1003. -- Active Benevolence.

1003. 7s. M.6l. Anonymous. Active Benevolence.

1 In the morning sow thy seed,
Nor at eve withhold thy hand;
Who can tell which may succeed,
Or if both alike shall stand,
And a glorious harvest bear,
To reward the sower's care?

2 Sow it 'mid the haunts of vice --
Scenes of infamy and crime;
Suddenly, may Paradise
Burst, as in the northern clime
Spring, with all its verdant race,
Starts from Winter's cold embrace.

3 Sow it with unsparing hand;
'Tis the kingdom's precious seed,
'Tis the Master's great command,
And his grace shall crown the deed;
He hath said, the precious grain
Never shall be sown in vain.

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