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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 999. -- The Cause of Humanity Hopeful.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

999. -- The Cause of Humanity Hopeful.

999. L. M. Anonymous. The Cause of Humanity Hopeful.

1 The past is dark with sin and shame,
The future dim with doubt and fear;
But, Father, yet we praise thy name,
Whose guardian love is always near!

2 For man has striven ages long
With faltering steps to come to thee,
And in each purpose high and strong
The influence of thy grace could see.

3 He could not breathe an earnest prayer
But thou wert kinder than he dreamed,
As age by age brought hopes more fair,
And nearer still thy kingdom seemed.

4 But never rose within his breast,
A trust so calm and deep as now;
Shall not the weary find a rest?
Father! Preserver! answer thou!

5 'Tis dark around, 'tis dark above,
But through the shadow streams the sun;
We cannot doubt thy certain love,
And man's great aim shall yet be won!

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