SermonIndex Audio Sermons
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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 997. -- |She hath done what she could.| Mark 14:8.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

997. -- |She hath done what she could.| Mark 14:8.

997. 8s. & 7s. M. J. G. Adams. |She hath done what she could.| Mark 14:8.

1 Bless, O bless, Almighty Father,
Woman's mission with our race, --
Her fond strivings here to gather
Fruits of thy redeeming grace.

2 Though her way be not where honor
Wins the gazing world's acclaim,
Yet we bless thee that upon her
Rests the power of Jesus' name.

3 In that name, O Father, strengthen
Her full heart and ready hands;
May her efforts serve to lengthen
Christian love's encircling bands.

4 Where the mourning and the needy
And the suffering faint and die,
Be her presence sure and speedy,
Mercy's blessings to supply.

5 Where old error's words are spoken,
Be truth's witness by her given,
Till, the spell of bondage broken,
Earth redeemed resembles heaven.

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