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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 984. -- On Opening an Organ.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

984. -- On Opening an Organ.

984. C. M. H. Ware. On Opening an Organ.

1 All nature's works his praise declare
To whom they all belong;
There is a voice in every star,
In every breeze a song.
Sweet music fills the world abroad
With strains of love and power;
The stormy sea sings praise to God --
The thunder and the shower.

2 To God the tribes of ocean cry,
And birds upon the wing;
To God, the powers that dwell on high
Their tuneful tribute bring.
Like them let man the throne surround,
With them loud chorus raise,
While instruments of loftiest sound
Assist his feeble praise.

3 Great God! to thee we consecrate
Our voices and our skill;
We bid the pealing organ wait
To speak alone thy will.
Oh, teach its rich and swelling notes
To lift our souls on high;
And while the music round us floats,
Let earth-born passion die.

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