975. L. M. Anonymous. The Faithful Minister.
1 |Let there be light!| -- When from on high,
O God, that first commandment came,
Forth leaped the sun; and earth and sky
Lay in his light, and felt his flame.
2 |Let there be light!| -- The light of grace
And truth, a darkling world to bless,
Came with thy word, when on our race
Broke forth the Sun of Righteousness.
3 Light of our souls! how strong it grows:
That sun, how wide his beams he flings,
As up the glorious sky he goes,
With light and healing in his wings!
4 Give us that light! O God, 'tis given!
Hope sees it open heaven's wide halls
To those who for the truth have striven;
And Faith walks firmly where it falls.
5 Churches no more, in cold eclipse,
Mourn the withholding of its rays;
It gilds their gates, and on the lips
Of every faithful preacher plays.