965. 11s. M. (Peculiar.) F. Osgood. |Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise.|
1 Approach not the altar
With gloom in thy soul;
Nor let thy feet falter,
From terror's control!
God loves not the sadness
Of fear and mistrust;
Oh serve him with gladness --
The Gentle, the Just!
2 His bounty is tender,
His being is love,
His smile fills with splendor,
The blue arch above.
Confiding, believing,
Oh! enter always,
|His courts with thanksgiving --
His portals with praise!|
3 Nor come to the temple
With pride in thy mien;
But lowly and simple,
In courage serene.
Bring meekly, before him,
The faith of a child:
Bow down and adore him,
With heart undefiled.