934. L. M. S. S. Cutting. Family Hymn. Evening.
1 Father, we bless the gentle care
That watches o'er us day by day,
That guards us from the tempter's snare,
And guides us in the heavenward way: --
We bless thee for the tender love,
That mingles all our hearts in one, --
The music of the soul; -- above
'Tis purer spirits' unison.
2 Father, 'tis evening's solemn hour,
And cast we now our cares on thee;
Darkly the storm may round us lower, --
Peace is within, -- Christ makes us free, --
And when life's toil and joy are o'er,
And evening gathers on its sky,
Our circle broke, -- we sing no more, --
O, may we meet and sing on high.