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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 933. -- A Family Evening Prayer.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

933. -- A Family Evening Prayer.

933. C. M. H. K. White. A Family Evening Prayer.

1 O Lord, another day is flown,
And we, a lonely band,
Are met once more before thy throne,
To bless thy fostering hand.

2 And wilt thou lend a listening ear
To praises low as ours!
Thou wilt; for thou dost love to hear
The song which meekness pours.

3 O, let thy grace perform its part,
And let contention cease;
And shed abroad in every heart
Thine everlasting peace.

4 Thus chastened, cleansed, entirely thine,
A flock by Jesus led,
The Sun of holiness shall shine
In glory on our head.

5 And thou wilt turn our wandering feet,
And thou wilt bless our way,
Till worlds shall fade, and faith shall greet
The dawn of lasting day.

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