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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 930. -- For a Sick Child.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

930. -- For a Sick Child.

930. C. M. Barry Cornwall. For a Sick Child.

1 Send down thy winged angel; God!
Amidst this night so wild,
And bid him come where now we watch,
And breathe upon our child!

2 It lies upon its pillow, pale,
And moans within its sleep,
Or wakeneth with a patient smile,
And striveth not to weep!

3 How gentle and how good a child
It is, we know too well;
And dearer to its parents' hearts
Than our weak words can tell.

4 We love, -- we watch throughout the night,
To aid, where need may be;
We hope, -- and have despaired at times;
But now we turn to thee!

5 Send down thy sweet-souled angel, God!
Amidst the darkness wild,
And bid him soothe our souls to-night,
And heal our gentle child!

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