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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 920. -- Social Evening Worship.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

920. -- Social Evening Worship.

920. C. M. Ancient Hymns. Social Evening Worship.

1 O, 'Tis a scene the heart to move,
When, at the close of day,
Whom God unites in Christian love
Unite their thanks to pay.

2 What though the number be but small;
Whenever two or three
Join on the Saviour's name to call,
There in the midst is he.

3 When faithful and repentant hearts
His heavenly grace ensue,
His grace, intreated, he imparts
To many or to few.

4 O, come, then, and, with joint accord,
In social worship meet;
And, mindful of the Saviour's word,
The Saviour's boon intreat.

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