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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 913. -- For Union of Heart.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

913. -- For Union of Heart.

913. 7s. M. Methodist Coll. For Union of Heart.

1 God, from whom all blessings flow,
Perfecting the saints below,
Hear us, who thy nature share,
Who thy loving children are.
Join us, in one spirit join,
Let us still receive of thine:
Still for more on thee we call,
Thou who fillest all in all!

2 Closer knit us to our Head;
Nourish us, in Christ, and feed;
Let us daily growth receive,
More and more in Jesus live.
Move, and actuate, and guide;
Divers gifts to each divide:
Placed according to thy will,
Let us all our work fulfil;

3 Sweetly may we all agree,
Touched with softest sympathy;
Kindly for each other care;
Every member feel its share.
Love, like death, hath all destroyed,
Rendered our distinctions void!
Names, and sects, and parties fall:
Thou, O God, art all in all!

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