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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : 904. -- For a Prayer Meeting.

Hymns For Christian Devotion by J.G. Adams

904. -- For a Prayer Meeting.

904. 7s. M. Anonymous. For a Prayer Meeting.

1 Father, hear us when we pray,
Look in mercy from above;
Turn not, Lord, thy face away,
Hear, and grant thy pardoning love.

2 In the name of Christ we come,
Asking grace and seeking peace,
Raise our hearts to heaven, our home,
And from worldly cares release.

3 Pure and holy may we be,
Far removed all vain desire;
From all hate and envy free,
Let our souls to thee aspire.

4 While we love the Saviour's name,
And his words with zeal obey,
His sweet promise we may claim; --
|He will meet us when we pray.|

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